Revista Veintitantos

❤️❤️❤️ #loveyourlines ❤️❤️❤️ Hi new followers! Since I now know that you ladies found me on a BuzzFeed article about this topic, I wanted to tell you 2 things: 1) BuzzFeed writers are dumb & credited a photo to me that is neither of me nor taken by me. That image was a repost of a submission by @ariannekmx to the @loveyourlines account & I highly suggest you give them both a follow & check out the original post on their pages. 2) My experience with my body and its lines --- My lines are a result of the fact that in my adult life, my weight has ranged between 115-145 lbs. I have heard a correspondingly wide range of comments from society about it: my mother making fun of my love handles, being offered a modeling contract & then subsequently being told it was depending upon me losing weight, constant questioning as to if I have an eating disorder, complete strangers telling me I am so skinny that I look sick & disgusting (when I lost weight due to a severe depressive episode, since loss of appetite is one way my depression manifests.) All those things! About the same body, at different points in time. Being a woman in our world today is very much a damned if you do, dammed if you don't situation, in my opinion. The thing that has finally helped me to find gratitude and love for my body is cycling. I never knew how strong I was until I started working as a bike messenger, which in turn led me to racing bikes. I'm constantly surprised at how I am physically & mentally capable of so much more than I think I am. My legs & hips are my favorite part of my body, & I love that their lines form another layer of aura around my patron saint. The moral of this story is: your body is (all bodies are) strong, beautiful, adaptable, worthy of gratitude & care...& if anyone else ever tries to tell you otherwise, you can tell them to fuck right off. ☺️✌🏼❤️ A photo posted by Ngejung (@nge_jung) on Apr 15, 2015 at 11:20pm PDT

#LoveYourLines, la campaña para las que aman sus estrías

¡Ama tu cuerpo tal y como es! ¡Nadie somos perfectas!

16/04/2015 | Autor:
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La mayoría de las veces, no importa lo que usemos o a donde vayamos, tratamos de esconder las 'imperfecciones' de nuestro cuerpo, y decimos 'imperfecciones' porque así no los han hecho ver, cuando en realidad la celulitis o las estrías son parte de él.

Es por ello que se lanzó la campaña #LoveYourLines Ama tus líneas, la cual pretende animar a todas las mujeres a subir fotografías a las redes sociales donde muestren lo mucho que aman sus cuerpo… tal y como es.

No olvides que tu cuerpo es hermoso tal y como es, que si no te gusta ese gordito, por ejemplo, harás algo por cambiarlo; que hacer ejercicio y comer bien va más allá de la percepción que los demás tengan de ti, se trata de tu salud; que si no te gusta algo de ti, tienes dos opciones: cambiarlo o ¡amarlo! Así que toma las riendas de tu cuerpo y #Quiérete

Checa lo que miles de mujeres han compartido en redes sociales.

¡Comparte tus fotos con nosotras #Mis20s #LoveYourLines #Quiérete!

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