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Ella se recuperó de la anorexia y ahora es estrella curvy en Instagram

¡Sí se puede! 

Mairem Del Río
Instagram @bodyposipanda
06 Mar 2017
Vivan las curvas
Yo amo mis curvas

Esta historia curvy es una de las más inspiradoras que hemos encontrado hasta ahora, pues no sólo se trata de una chica que luchó hasta superar un grave desorden alimenticio, si no que tuvo el valor de de aceptar y mostrarle al mundo que es más feliz con unos kilos de más, a pesar de todas las críticas a las que todavía se enfrenta.


Megan Jayne empezó a tener problemas con su imagen corporal desde los 5 años, a los 14 fue diagnosticada con anorexia y pasó el verano entero en una institución mental para jóvenes antes de ser hospitalizada. Los médicos le dijeron que sólo le quedaban un par de semanas de vida.


Lately there are a lot of people who come here and tell me that I'm doing it wrong. That there's nothing bad about dieting or wanting to lose weight. That I shouldn't be celebrating the body types I do. That I've gone 'too far' or that I'm promoting the wrong things. But here's the reality: there are so many spaces you can go to and be congratulated on weight loss. There are millions of diet plans, endless articles on getting the 'perfect' body, and countless images of the body type our culture teaches us we should all strive for. Those are the spaces I grew up around, and boy did I learn the lesson well. I learned how to lose weight, I learned how to hate my body, I learned that chasing thinness was the only way to be beautiful, and the only way to be happy. It's taken me a LONG time to unlearn those lessons. And I plan on showing as many people as I can that they can unlearn them too. Because honestly? We all deserve so much better than how we've been taught to see ourselves. The body positive community is our safe space. It's the one corner of the internet you can go to where no matter how you look, you're good enough. It won't pressure you into believing that you can only be happy once you're smaller. It won't shame you for how many calories you eat or how many miles you can run. It won't tell you that your value lies in whatever number comes up on the scale. It's the space that I needed so badly all those years ago. So you can think that I'm doing this wrong all you like, I'll keep going. I'll keep creating a safe space where that girl on the left can't be hurt anymore. And for all of you out there who've never been told before that you're good enough already. You will ALWAYS be good enough here. P.S. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LOOK LIKE THE PICTURE ON THE LEFT FOR YOUR STRUGGLES TO BE VALID! EATING DISORDERS COME IN ALL SHAPES AND SIZES, THIS IS ONLY ONE REPRESENTATION. EDs ARE MENTAL ILLNESSES, NOT WEIGHTS. WHATEVER SIZE, YOU ARE WORTHY OF RECOGNITION AND SUPPORT. SENDING SO MUCH LOVE TO ALL MY ED WARRIORS

A post shared by Megan Jayne Crabbe (@bodyposipanda) on

En mi peso más bajo la ropa se me caía, mi cabello se adelgazó y tenía frío todo el tiempo. Nunca estaba lo suficientemente delgada, y ese desorden alimenticio me superó de tal manera que creí que era todo lo que era y que era todo lo que tenía”, relata Megan en una de sus imágenes.


El camino para superar la anorexia no fue nada fácil, pero con el tiempo y el apoyo de su padre, Megan logró recuperarse poco a poco. Sin embargo, en algún punto se fue al extremo opuesto y sustituyó el matarse de hambre con atracones de comida, así que después de engordar tuvo que recurrir a varios nutriólogos para controlar su dieta y estar sana.


"Wait so you just decided to RUIN your body?" Nah, I just stopped torturing myself every day for not fitting an image I was never supposed to be. · "But you look so much healthier to me before." That's funny, you looked so much more intelligent to me before you equated health with weight and forgot that mental health is health too. · "You could have stayed the same and loved your body, you didn't need to get fat." I could have stayed the same and spiralled back into the eating disorder that almost killed me when I was 15. I could have kept starving myself and obsessively working out for hours everyday but it never would have lead me to self love. No matter how much weight I lost there was always still something to hate. And sure, people don't NEED to gain weight to find their self love, this is just what my body needed to do to match up to my mental freedom. THIS IS MY HAPPY BODY. · "But surely you can't be happy looking like that now, I could never be happy in that body." I didn't think I could either, but as it turns out, happiness isn't a size. And I wasted far too many years believing that it was. Now I'm not going to stop letting people know that they deserve happiness exactly as they are. They deserve to live now, not 10 pounds from now. They deserve that mental freedom. So to every person reading this: I hope you get your freedom too, however it might look. I'll be cheering you on every step of the way. P.s. these are all comments I received on my last before/after picture, luckily for me, they just make me want to keep going even more

A post shared by Megan Jayne Crabbe (@bodyposipanda) on

Ahora que tienen 22 años, Megan por fin logró aceptarse tal y como es: “Trato de mostrar a las personas que los estándares imposibles de belleza en nuestra pantalla y en las revistas no son necesarios para lograr ser felices”, se puede leer en su cuenta de Instagram, donde suma más de 680 mil seguidores.


Para compartir su felicidad, Megan publica fotos en bikini y ropa interior, incluso aparece bailando con una alegría que contagia: “Si puedo enamorarme de mi cuerpo después de todo lo que ha pasado, cualquier persona puede, sólo tiene que creer que lo merece”, comenta.


IT'S #DONTHATETHESHAKE TIIIIIME time to appreciate aaaall the jiggle, aaaall the squish, aaaall the jelly. Every. Last. Pound of it. Our bodies are so worthy of love in still pictures, and so worthy of love in movement too, that's what #donthatetheshake is all about! And if you're feeling the jiggle, make sure you go and check out the original creator of the shake and all round GODDESS @yourstruelymelly you can see more videos at @donthatetheshake and EVERYONE is invited to make their own and come to the bopo dance party! P.s. my sister is obsessed with Ed Sheeran and her life size cardboard cut out obviously had to be in this

A post shared by Megan Jayne Crabbe (@bodyposipanda) on

Cada texto que acompaña a sus imágenes es digno de leerse detenidamente, ya que cada uno es un poco de las profundas lecciones que le dejó esa experiencia que casi la lleva a la muerte. Date un tiempo para conocerla y quizá cambies de opinión respecto a tu propio cuerpo.



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