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El secreto de la chica que perdió 67 kilos y se convirtió en modelo

Mairem Del Río
16 Feb 2017
Vivan las curvas

Todas las mujeres que tenemos kilos de más soñamos con que algún día tendremos un cuerpo de envidia, pero la danesa Mathilde Broberg hizo todo lo necesario para convertir ese sueño realidad: perdió 67 kilos y se convirtió en modelo.


A sus 21 años, Mathilde llegó a pesar 126 kilos y padecía lo que clínicamente se conoce como obesidad mórbida. La chispa que detonó su cambio radical se encendió en el verano de 2012, cuando al subir a una montaña rusa tuvo problemas para abrochar su cinturón de seguridad. Eso la hizo darse cuenta de que tenía un problema más grande de lo que pensaba, y decidió tomar cartas en el asunto.



Measurements This is crazy! _ If I can do it so can you! Anything is possible it you want enough - never stop believing in yourself and stay strong. This is a journey that's been going on since summer, 2012. My weightloss journey ended 2,5 years ago and since that I've been working out in the gym minimum 3 times EVERY week. In a period from Fall, 2014 to Summer, 2015 I've been eating too healthy (and too little) + worked out 6 times pr week. At that time my measurements were lower than they are now - At 57 kg (125lbs) _ Bust: 79 cm Waist: 60 cm Hip: 80 cm _ I was really skinny at that time but I had loose skin/harsh fat .. I started to eat more (2200kcal) everyday and I've been following well organized workout schedules for 1 year now and this is where I am today. Hard work do pay off! _ If you really want to change your life you gotta decide to find the power within you. You are the only one to make it happen. You're the only one who controls what goes in to your mouth, how long you walk, how much you're being active. Get control over your brain, because that's the one you can blame: You're in control, not your inner-voice! Don't waist time on the right time to come - there is no perfect time, you just have to start and never look back. It will be tough and it will feel like an endless road, but you will make if you just don't quit! How much do you want it? _ ... Ask yourself _ #determination

A post shared by Mathilde H. Broberg | Coach (@mathildehbroberg) on


Broberg diseñó un plan para luchar contra la obesidad: cambió la comida chatarra por alimentos más sanos y comenzó a hacer ejercicio mínimo tres veces a la semana. Tras perder la mayoría de su sobrepeso, en 2015 se sometió a una cirugía para retirar toda la piel sobrante del abdomen.


Según la propia Mathilde, uno de los hábitos que más la ayudaron a conseguir su meta en tiempo récord fue un sencillo truco: comer con una cucharilla de café. Así, la joven hacía creer a su cuerpo que comía más de lo que en verdad ingería.



Never quit or give up! 2011 vs 2016 - Lost 140 lbs/63kilo on my own READ BELOW _ You have to make small goals for yourself. Take one day at a time, don't give up and you'll see the results after a short time as long as you remember NOT to give up or "fall in" If you truly want to lose weight you'll be able to stay focused and determined You just gotta stay strong and don't look back! _ Ask yourself: "What if I lost 1 lbs every 10th day or every week? Where will I be in one year if I start today?" _ By telling myself that I stayed motivated - So don't quit because "you think it doesn't matter anyways..." _ Stay focused and remember your goals - they're not that far away if only you keep pushing! _ How I started was basically just from one day to another - I had enough! So that must have been what kept me going. And trust me; I've failed MANY times before trying to lose weight, but in 2012 I simply had enough and I've never looked back! _ I went from 268lbs (120kg) or even more to 125lbs (57kg) - and now I'm around 149lbs (68-70kg) I'm 5'9/176cm. If you're looking for more about my weightloss story and how I did, go to my Instagram and read my posts! _ #fridaymotivation#keepfighting#reachforthestars

A post shared by Mathilde H. Broberg | Coach (@mathildehbroberg) on


En una de sus fotos más recientes, Broberg admite que tuvo problemas: “Fui demasiado lejos después de alcanzar mi meta (70kg). Durante un año pasé por un trastorno alimenticio que me destruyó”, relata.


Tenía tanto miedo de la comida, de subir de peso de nuevo o solo de comer como una persona normal (no más porciones para bajar de peso). También tenía miedo de que los doctores me pidieran adelgazar más antes de mi cirugía de abdomen”, y agregó que en ese momento ella no se daba cuenta de que lucía enferma, a pesar de que la gente le decía que estaba adelgazando demasiado.



Never quit or give up! 2011 vs 2016 - Lost 140 lbs/63kilo on my own READ BELOW _ You have to make small goals for yourself. Take one day at a time, don't give up and you'll see the results after a short time as long as you remember NOT to give up or "fall in" If you truly want to lose weight you'll be able to stay focused and determined You just gotta stay strong and don't look back! _ Ask yourself: "What if I lost 1 lbs every 10th day or every week? Where will I be in one year if I start today?" _ By telling myself that I stayed motivated - So don't quit because "you think it doesn't matter anyways..." _ Stay focused and remember your goals - they're not that far away if only you keep pushing! _ How I started was basically just from one day to another - I had enough! So that must have been what kept me going. And trust me; I've failed MANY times before trying to lose weight, but in 2012 I simply had enough and I've never looked back! _ I went from 268lbs (120kg) or even more to 125lbs (57kg) - and now I'm around 149lbs (68-70kg) I'm 5'9/176cm. If you're looking for more about my weightloss story and how I did, go to my Instagram and read my posts! _ #fridaymotivation#keepfighting#reachforthestars

A post shared by Mathilde H. Broberg | Coach (@mathildehbroberg) on


Sin embargo se recuperó: “He subido 11-13 kg. después de mi cirugía y no puedo estar más feliz”. Hoy en día es modelo deportiva, entrenadora personal y toda una sensación en Instagram, donde suma más de 54 mil seguidores que se sienten inspirados por su historia de éxito.


En dicha red social, la danesa publica fotografías de “antes y después”, videos y mensajes animando a otros para que sigan sus pasos: “¡Si yo puedo hacerlo, tú también! Cualquier cosa es posible si la deseas lo suficiente. Nunca dejes de creer en ti mismo y mantente fuerte.”, escribió en una de las imágenes.


Mathilde siempre recalca que su transformación no fue un milagro, sino el resultado de mucho esfuerzo, constancia y el deseo de estar sana para sentirse bien consigo misma.


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