
Imágenes que ha censurado Instagram por contenido 'fuerte'

Entre ellos, el de varias curvys

Redes Sociales
04 Sep 2015
Vivan las curvas
Yo amo mis curvas
Hace 2 meses la palabra curvy fue censurada por esta conocida red social, ¿el motivo? Afirmaron que esta etiqueta estaba relacionada con contenido 'sexual'; sin embargo, volvió a ser aceptada.
No obstante, las censuras siguen a la orden del día, pues hace algunos días, Nuria Roca, una reconocida presentadora, subió una foto a su Instagram con la sombra de sus pechos, lo que a la red social le pareció un incumplimiento de reglas y optó por eliminarla.
Esta no ha sido la única foto eliminada de esta red social, pues temas como #FreeTheNipple, la menstruación, cuerpos sin depilar, después del parto e imágenes de chicas con curvas, también han sido blanco de censura por esta red social.

The wonderful Jessica Peacock Wilmoth with her daughter Harper (5) and son Holden (6 weeks). Jessica had a difficult time enjoying her pregnancies with each of her children. Things went well with Harper but she was never really comfortable. Her water broke and she went into the hospital right away, not knowing she’d then be on the clock. About 20 hours later, the decision was made to deliver via cesarean. While Harper was born without complication the experience both emotionally and physically was quite difficult for Jessica. Jessica’s pregnancy with Holden was further complicated by gestational diabetes that she managed through a strict diet and insulin injections daily. Because of his size they decided to deliver via repeat cesarean on his due date and he arrived at 10 lbs 13 oz. Even though Jessica’s first birth was also a cesarean this was time she went into it able to advocate for herself differently. She is very much still recovering but her birth itself went well. Breastfeeding has been more of challenge with Holden, however, Jessica says that isn’t deterring her one bit and that in and of itself means that they are and will be successful. Jessica wanted to participate in this movement to show that all body types are okay, to show for herself and to others that her body type is okay. It’s beyond okay even, and perhaps even entirely beautiful. #4thtrimesterbodiesproject #fourthtrimesterbodiesproject #4thtrimester #fourthtrimester #postpartum #breastfeeding #childbirth #bodypositivity #stopcensoringmotherhood #motherhood #bodypositive #4thtrimester #4thtribodies #pregnancy #everybodyisbeautiful #feminism #feminist #selflove #bodylove #fourthtribodies #cesarean #4thtrinashville

A photo posted by 4th Trimester Bodies Project (@4thtribodies) on

