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5 momentos en los que nos sentimos orgullosas de nuestras curvas


Alejandra Vidal
25 Ene 2016
Vivan las curvas
Yo amo mis curvas
Mientras más luchamos por hacernos valer en sociedad y demostrar que nuestras curvas tienen la fuerza para poder impactar tanto en el mundo de la moda, como en otros ámbitos, más orgullosas nos sentiremos y recordaremos el motivo por el cual estamos orgullosas de nuestro cuerpower.
- Cuando esos jeans nos quedaron a la perfección. Sí, todas las miradas se enfocaron en nosotras y en nuestras pompas que robaron la atención mientras caminábamos sensualmente por algún lugar de tu ciudad.
- Cuando nos enteramos de los movimientos curvy. #ImNoAngel, #BodyPositivity y #CurvasSinFrenos, entre otros, nos dimos cuenta de la enorme cantidad de perfección que cabía en nosotras. ¡Curvas al poder!

Earlier this week I went to an event hosted by Instagram and Elle magazine to celebrate women who tell their stories on social media. There was a panel discussion, and when question time came I raised a shaking hand, and asked the most influential woman in the room what she thought about the toxic side of social media, and how much she worried about her daughters body image being influenced by what she saw. Her answer? Young people are smart nowadays so they can control how much the media affects them, they know what's real and what's photoshopped and we don't give them enough credit. Now, some of the most intelligent people I've ever known have been the ones to fall furthest into the depths of eating disorders and self hatred. So being smart has nothing to do with it. And sure, most of us can tell when an image has been photoshopped beyond belief, but that doesn't stop us comparing ourselves to it. We still get the message that this is the 'ideal', edited or not, and that we don't measure up. As for giving credit, let's give it where it's really due. To every person who survives another day at war with themselves because of the media poison that's seeped into their mind, convincing them they'll never be good enough. I left the event really disheartened, that someone who could actually change things would rather evade responsibility and avoid the truth. That smart, creative, extraordinary people are dying everyday for this. And while magazines and social media aren't the sole cause, they are a powerful part of the machine that works to reduce us to imperfect pieces, and sell us the solution. And denial isn't going to change that. To anyone out there struggling to find their self love, their recovery, I see you. I know you are smart, I know you are fighting against forces greater than yourself. Your struggles are valid, and your fight is a real one. So please, don't give up. And first steps? Throw away the things in your life that make you feel bad about yourself. Refuse to let them profit from a pain that they won't even acknowledge. You've got this.

A photo posted by Megan Jayne Crabbe (@bodyposipanda) on

- Cuando nos enteramos que nuestros hijos tienen mayor capacidad intelectual. Click aquí para saber la razón.
- Cuando escuchamos la canción de Adele ‘Hello’. No solamente nos llegó al corazón al grado de querer dedicársela a nuestro gran amor, sino, que nos dimos cuenta que el talento viene en tallas grandes.
- Cuando nos inscribimos al gym. Tener curvas no nos impide entrenar para mantenerlas en forma; tonificadas y definidas. Pero sobretodo, saludables.
¿Necesitas más razones para amarlas? ¡#YoAmoMisCurvas!

This bodacious beauty is my fashion guru. She always posts the most gorgeous outfits that pair perfectly with big booty babes! I love her, and if y'all would like this goddess to grace your timeline, go check her out @thechelseasmilex #LoveYourself #Encouragement #BoPo #Feminist #AlternativeCurves #effyourbeautystandards #celebratemysize #bodypositive #pizzasisters4lyfe #positivevibes #allbodiesaregoodbodies #mybodymyrules #Empowered #riotsnotdiets #Confident #NobodyShame #SelfLoveWarrior #Happy #edrecovery #Empowerallbodies #Inspiration #GoddessVibes #Inspire #Beautiful #Girlgang #BodyPosi #BodyPositivity #BeautyisNotGeneric #edsoldier #healthynotskinny

A photo posted by Cheyenne (@goofy_ginger) on


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